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Breaking Freedom To Vote Act Introduced To Strengthen Voting Rights

Breaking: Freedom to Vote Act Introduced to Strengthen Voting Rights

Standardizing Election Laws and Expanding Access

In a significant move to bolster voting rights, the Freedom to Vote Act has been proposed in the Senate. This comprehensive legislation aims to standardize election laws across the country, address voter suppression tactics, and expand voting access to ensure more people have a voice in our democracy.

Key Provisions

Among the bill's key provisions are the establishment of national standards for voter registration, early voting, and mail-in voting. It also prohibits paying or offering to pay someone not to vote, which is already illegal under federal law but would be further strengthened by this bill.

Protecting Elections and Expanding Access

Voter Suppression Prevention

The Freedom to Vote Act seeks to protect against electoral manipulation by banning partisan gerrymandering, which redraws electoral districts to favor specific political parties, and by curbing dark money spending, which allows anonymous donors to influence elections.

Expanded Voting Access

To ensure greater voter accessibility, the bill mandates early voting for at least 15 days before an election, allows automatic voter registration for eligible citizens, and expands access to mail-in voting and drop boxes.

Next Steps

The bill has been introduced in the Senate and is currently being considered by committees. If passed by both the Senate and House of Representatives, it would require the President's signature to become law.
