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Salvinia Molesta

Salvinia Molesta: A Threat to Aquatic Ecosystems


Salvinia molesta, commonly known as giant salvinia or kariba weed, is a free-floating aquatic plant native to southeastern Brazil. It has spread widely throughout the world during the past century and has become a serious invasive species in many regions.

Devastating Effects

Salvinia molesta forms dense mats of vegetation that can cover large areas of water bodies, blocking sunlight and oxygen from reaching the water below. This can lead to the death of fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic organisms. The plant can also clog waterways, making it difficult for boats and other forms of water transportation to pass through.

Invasive Species

Salvinia molesta is a highly invasive species that is difficult to control once it becomes established. It is easily spread through fragments of the plant that can be transported by water, wind, or animals. The plant can also form viable spores that can survive for long periods of time.


Salvinia molesta is a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems around the world. Its invasive nature and devastating effects on aquatic life make it a major concern for scientists and conservationists. Efforts are ongoing to control the spread of this invasive species and to restore affected ecosystems.
