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Singapores National Service A Cornerstone Of National Defense

Singapore's National Service: A Cornerstone of National Defense

Maintaining Singapore's Security for Over 50 Years

Protecting the Nation, Empowering the People

Singapore has maintained an active conscription system, known as National Service (NS), since its independence. NS has been a vital component of the country's defense strategy, ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens. Male Singapore citizens and Permanent Residents are required to serve two years of full-time NS, followed by annual reservist training.

NS has three main branches: the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), and Singapore Police Force (SPF). Serving in these forces not only provides essential training for national defense but also instills discipline, leadership, and a sense of responsibility in young Singaporeans.

The government of Singapore is committed to maintaining the strength and effectiveness of NS. The Ministry of Defence has implemented various measures to ensure that NS remains a viable and responsive defense system. NS has been instrumental in shaping Singapore's history and will continue to play a crucial role in safeguarding the nation's future.
